Statement of Purpose



The name and address of the registered provider is Dr H Dharmarathna and Dr J Tharmaratnam / William Harvey Surgery 83-85 London Road, Rayleigh Essex SS6 9HR.

01268 784003

[email protected]

Registered manager: Dr S Ramanathan

The William Harvey Surgery is a partnership.  There are 2 partners:

Dr Hewa Dharmarathna

Dr Jeyarany Tharmaratnam

The surgery is a 500 square metres GP surgery located in the west of Rayleigh, there is on street parking and excellent public transport links.

Our website address is:

There is good access for disabled/less mobile patients who cannot use the stairs.

We have approximately 4300 patients.

Our practice is a member of the Rayleigh and District Primary Care Network and have clinical staff aligned to our practice providing both care both within the surgery premises as well as in the local community.

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (The Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 Part 4), the registering body ( The William Harvey Surgery) is required to provide to the Care Quality Commission a statement of purpose.

Our Aims and Objectives

  • We aim to ensure high quality, safe and effective services and environment
  • To provide monitored, audited and continually improving healthcare services
  • To provide healthcare which is available to a whole population and create a partnership between patient and health profession which ensures mutual respect, holistic care and continuous learning and training.
  • The provision of accessible healthcare which is proactive to healthcare changes, efficiency and innovation and development.
  • To improve Clinical Governance and Evidence Based Practice
  • To improve Clinical and Non-clinical risk management
  • To reduce risk in specific clinical risk areas and facilities
  • To improve environment and capacity
  • To improve vigilance for unforeseen emergencies
  • To optimise performance against key targets and core standards
  • To meet key targets
  • To meet Annual Health Check
  • To implement Payment by results
  • To become a patient centred organisation
  • To improve services offered to patients
  • To improve communication between the surgery and the patients
  • To recruit, retain and develop a highly motivated and appropriately skilled workforce
  • To enhance performance of the workforce
  • To develop management capability
  • To guide the employees in accordance with the Equalities Scheme
  • To continue the development of the Estate
  • To ensure effective management and governance systems
  • To ensure robust corporate processes at Board level
  • To ensure a robust Information Technology strategy to support the business of The William Harvey Surgery.

The registered activities and service types have been agreed by the William Harvey Surgery’s Practice Manager and partners in accordance with CQC guidance. Services are described under registered activity and Service Type.

The regulated activities under CQC are:

The services provided by the William Harvey Surgery

  • Routine medical checks and general medical services
    NHS relevant prescriptions and medications or a private prescription can be issued.
  • Counselling – Provided by “Therapy for You, experienced Counsellors  who are available for short-term counselling, for a variety of personal and emotional problems.
  • Immunisations, e.g. childhood immunisations
  • Foreign travel and immunisation
  • Executive & employee medicals – Our GP’s are able to carry out medical report and review.
  • Assessment of employees returning to work after illness
  • Smoking Cessation – Any patient who is a smoker and ready to stop smoking will be signposted to community based smoking cessation providers.
  • Diabetic clinic – William Harvey Surgery operates a diabetes clinic  to provide ongoing care for our diabetic patients and run by trained nurse and supervised by two GP’s.
  • Family planning clinic – Our family planning clinic is run by our Practice Nurse.
  • Flu vaccination – At William Harvey Surgery we offer ‘at risk’ groups the flu vaccine at a certain time each year to protect you against the flu virus.
  • Well person checks – These can be carried out by our practice nurse.
  • ECG monitoring – At William Harvey Surgery we offer ECG Screening and Monitoring, as we have a fully functioning ECG machine in the practice, and this is a service which would usually have to be provided by a hospital or minor injuries unit.
  • Cervical screening –­ William Harvey Surgery, our practice nurse is  qualified to carry out cervical screening and tests in the form of cervical smears.

Our practice ethos is to strive towards a partnership between patients and health professionals based on the following key facets:

Mutual Respect

We endeavour to treat all our patients with dignity, respect and honesty. Everyone at the William Harvey Surgery is committed to deliver an excellent  service.  We ask all patients to highlight any discrepancies and to offer the same commitment in return.

‘Holistic’ Care

We treat ‘patients’ and illnesses. This means that we are equally interested in the physical, psychological and social aspects of your individual care.

Continuity of Care and the ‘Therapeutic relationship’

Building and maintaining a strong relationship between doctors, health professionals, and patients is essential to the way we work. This is especially so in the management of ongoing problems or long-term illness. In these circumstances we would encourage you to continue seeing the same health professional and wherever possible we will facilitate this through our appointments system. However, if you have a new problem, the doctor or nurse that you normally see is not available, or you would like to see someone else then we would encourage you to see any of the doctors or nurse at the practice.

Compiled March 2013

Review dated March 2022, next review March 2024